Betekenis van:
commercial agency

commercial agency
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • an organization that provides businesses with credit ratings of other firms




    1. ‘commercial intermediary’ means a private administrative agency, transport company or travel agency (tour operator or retailer).
    2. It shall operate according to commercial rules in the area of competence of the Agency.
    3. The Agency shall have financial autonomy. It shall operate according to commercial rules in the area of competence of the Agency.
    4. In Serbia, adopt the Law transferring the business register from the Commercial Courts to an independent agency.
    5. With regard to operators of aircraft referred to in Article 4(1)(d) engaged in commercial operations, the Agency shall:
    6. If the borrower is eligible for an interest subsidy under the scheme, the commercial banks refer the claim to a ‘nodal agency’ who subsequently releases the benefit amount to the commercial bank involved.
    7. With regard to operators of aircraft referred to in Article 4(1)(d) not engaged in commercial operations, the Agency shall:
    8. the conditions applicable to the building up and withdrawal of commercial stocks by the Agency (Article 72, first subparagraph of the Treaty);
    9. Moreover, Wanadoo has not had to dispose of major assets and continues to benefit from Yellow Pages income and from France Télécom's commercial agency network.
    10. Table 2 indicates the measures which the Commission was informed of after 13 July 2007 by letters of 6 December 2007 and 12 February 2008: two loans from the Industrial Development Agency to finance working capital (wages and commercial liabilities).
    11. The Agency and the two coordination groups referred to in paragraph 1 shall cooperate to ensure the coherence of the recommendations delivered in accordance with that paragraph and publish those recommendations after deletion of all information of commercial confidential nature.
    12. KUKE’s operations as a Polish export credit agency are varied [19], and can essentially be divided into the commercial part of the business and the business conducted on behalf of, and guaranteed by, the State Treasury.
    13. The Agency has concluded that the current provisions of Annex I (Part-M) to Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003 are too stringent for aircraft not involved in commercial air transport, in particular for aircraft that are not classified as ‘complex motor-powered aircraft’.
    14. In fact, the maximum loan entitlement per beneficiary is that recognised by the Olive oil Agency of MAFF, based on the accredited volume of olive oil stocks at all stages of the production process in each branch of the industry on 3 July 2001 and the volume of oil delivered to bottling plants for commercial distribution.
    15. The Agency shall at all times be entitled to transfer the assets which it holds in euro into another currency in order to carry out financial or commercial operations which accord with its aims as defined by the Treaty and are consistent with these Statutes.